Linda L. Kerr Memorial Fund at Chapel Hill Christian Academy

Linda L. Kerr Memorial Fund at Chapel Hill Christian Academy

Linda always loved to read. Given a good book, she would stay up late just to finish it. And she often recommended and shared books with others. Linda enjoyed participating in book exchanges- at the Book Lady in Jackson, with friends and relatives, and most recently at the Kirkland Cancer Center in Jackson.

Linda saw the love of reading in her daughter, Kim, when she was a child. She encouraged that love of reading by buying books for her, her favorites being the Nancy Drew series. And she also was proud that her grandson, Garrett, enjoyed reading as a child. Oddly enough, his favorites were the counterpart to Kim’s, the Hardy Boys books.

It is Linda’s hope that her great-granddaughters, Sadie Grace and Harper Kate, will inherit her love of reading as well. A memorial fund at Chapel Hill Christian Academy is in place to support a reading center or program that will be established in the new library at the future CHCA campus. Linda’s legacy will hopefully encourage all children who attend CHCA to read, for when you give a child a book, you give a child knowledge.